Pheroklip® CM Mating disruption — how does it work?
Pheroklip® CM dispensers are designed to release synthetic nature-identical pheromone steadily from when the packs are opened and applied in the orchard until after harvest.
The release rate is much higher than that of the female moth. Male moths home in on these false trails and miss the calling females.
After three or four nights of this, they run out of energy. Females sit around waiting and use up their eggs as an energy reserve.
Hosts for CM
Apples, pears, nashi, crabapples, quince and walnuts.
Generations per year
1 (southern Tasmania) to 3 (Goulburn Valley, Stanthorpe and Forbes) depending on local climate. Climatic warming is kicking in fast – we can expect more and more of the the 2 generation areas to become 3 generation areas.
What does codling moth do in winter?
They overwinter as larvae under loose bark on the trunks of the trees in which they emerged.
They can also overwinter on limb props left in the orchards and in axils of limbs in young trees with soft bark. Very few of those that try to overwinter in the soil survive.
First flight
Usually early flowering time in apples and pears. Apply Pheroklip® CM when flowers are at the pink stage, before the first flight.
How far will codling moths fly?
Usually not large distances where host plants are available close by.
Codling moth will fly hundreds of metres (eg. from bins in packing houses and bulldozed trees) when there is nothing attractive close by.
It is vital to burn bulldozed trees and thoroughly steam clean bins where culled fruit was held before spring.
Do not bring old bins that held infested fruit onto the property. Be aware of sources of infestation in neighbouring properties.
Where do they mate? Where to apply Pheroklip ® CM?
Codling moth females mostly call their mates in the upper part of the tree canopy.
Apply 75% of the Pheroklip® CM dispensers about 50cm from the top of the canopy using a pole applicator where trees are tall. The remaining 25% should go at head height.
What about high points, sloping ground and gaps?
Codling moths tend to be more abundant in high points and the tops of slopes.
They naturally accumulate more at edges by flying out then turning back.
Treat the high points, edges around gaps and trees in tall rows with more dispensers.
What about high populations?
Mating disruption of codling moth is a numbers game. If there are lots of females calling, some will find mates.
When populations of codling moth are high, use a combination of an effective registered insecticide program and Pheroklip ® CM to bring the population down.
What guarantees does Smartgreen Biotech give?
- The active ingredient is good quality with a purity equal to or slightly higher than the Japanese opposition product
- The loading is correct
- The release from the dispensers is in the right range
- The dispensers are made to high standard using precision injection moulding and ultrasonic sealing processes
- The information that we give is based on years of experience and is given in good faith.